
LSC People Willing to Help with Pitches

Page history last edited by Nasser Ghanemzadeh 10 years, 6 months ago Saved with comment

A list of people who are willing to help fellow LSC Entrepreneurs create pitches or develop customer hypothesis documents as described in 4 steps. If you want to volunteer to help add your name to the bottom of the list.


  • Kevin Dewalt - Email me at kevindewalt **AT))( kevindewalt *&^DOT*(*& COM or @kevindewalt on Twitter
  • Aymeric Gaurat-Apelli: French entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia. Happy to meet in person to talk about startups! @AymericG
  • Sumit Guha - sumitguha1@gmail.com, or @sumitguha.
  • Mike Fisher - pezboy007 AT yahoo.com
  • Joshua Karp - Email me at joshuakarp at gmail dot com or @jkarp on Twitter
  • Sean Murphy - seankmurphy at gmail or @skmurphy focus: early customer presentations or customer hypothesis documents for B2B startups
  • Matt Secoske - Email me at matt  AT  nimblelogic \\.// com or @secos on Twitter
  • Patrick Smith - email: first name at patricksmith.org, twitter @ptrcksmth
  • Kevin Owocki - email: kevin [at] ignighter [dot] com, twitter: @kevinowocki 
  • Kamran Qamar - email: i[at]kamraan.com
  • Brant Cooper Customer Development coaching/consulting: email: brant at market-by-number; Blog: Market By Numbers; Twitter: @brantcooper
  • Randy Whitcroft - email: randy AT ideas2revenue.com. twitter: @ideas2revenue. Pitch creation, Customer identification & acquisition, Customer Hypothesis
  • Salim Virani - Co-founder of Leancamp and active in the European and UK Lean Startup and Business Model Generation communities. A few startups behind me, and a direct/digital marketing agency background before that, so happy to help in any of those areas. smile@saintsal.com @SaintSal www.saintsal.com
  • Alex Ross - Several years experience both as a founder with lean startups as well as digital marketing for large firms. Definitely still learning and enjoy helping others: alex [at] alexlross dot com .
  •  Deepak Deolalikar - email: deepak.deolalikar at gmail.com. Finding market segments in B2B, creating a value proposition statement, Customer development process. Currently VP Customer Development at iCharts, Inc
  • Juan Bernabó - Email: juan [dot] bernabo [at] gmail [dot] com - Let me help me by helping you. I speak, or try to, English, Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Oskar Boethius Lissheim - Founding and building startups since 2007, and working as an iOS & Ruby on Rails developer and interaction designer. Based in Gothenburg, Sweden, I'd like to help people nearby build great and sustainable businesses. Email me at oskar AT olbproductions dot com, or @avocade on twitter. 
  • Eze Vidra - strategic partnerships manager at Google and experienced product manager on both consumer and B2B products, mentor at several UK incubators, based in London. Contact:  eze@vccafe.com@ediggs, http://www.vccafe.com,  
  • Tristan Kromer - Poker and prodder of startups. You can contact me here.
  • Jim Semick - 10+ years in market validation and Customer Development for B2B products as founder and early team member. Glad to review pitches/hypothesis docs. Feel free to contact me at jim [at] productdiscovery.com
  • Alex Cowan -  Startup founder, mentor and author of 'Starting a Tech Business'. Design thinking, Lean Startup, and agile enthusiast. Happy to meet in person (Bay Area) or over the phone with startup's and product developers of any stripe. acowan@alexandercowan.com
  • Vincenzo Pallotta - Entrepreneur, Strategic Adviser, Project Manager and Business Professor. Blogger at blog.leanstart.ch. Startup mentoring/coaching in Geneva, Switzerland and virtually worldwide. Please contact me at vincenzo.pallotta@leanstart.ch.
  • Mano Kalathil  - Technology Strategy at a healthcare product company. Adviser to technology startups in the Washington DC Area. Contact me at manomohan at gmail.com
  • Guita Gopalan - StartUp/Business Development Consultant, Social Entrepreneur, coach to several entrepreneurs, mentor at several Philippine startups, based in the Philippines. Contact @guitagopalan, guitagopalan [at] gmail [dot]com
  • Justin Wilcox - Author of CustomerDevLabs.com. Mentor at Startup Weekend NEXT, Founder Institute and Lean Startup Machine. Happy to help 1-on-1 via Skype/Hangout http://sohelpful.me/Justin
  • Rajiv Menon - Based in Orlando. Founder/Solution Architect at Informulate, founding organizer of Lean Startup Practitioners, founder of Talent4Startups.org, mentor at Lean Startup Machine
  • Etienne Garbugli: Lean Startup in B2B. Customer development. Ux Research. Author of Lean B2B: Build Products Businesses Want. Email etienne@leanb2bbook.com. Twitter: @egarbugli
  • Rammohan: Based out of Bangalore, India. Founder of LeanMantra.in, Consulting on Customer development, business modelling an product development, mentor at startup events line, In50Hrs, Startup Weekend, Lean startup machine, StartupDash. you can contact me at Ram@leanmantra.in or book my free time at bit.ly/bookram
  • Shobhit Chugh - Product Management in B2B. Based in Boston. Contact at shobhitchugh at
  • Nasser Ghanemzadeh - email me at ghanemzadeh [at ]gmail [dot] com or follow @opatan on Twitter

Comments (2)

randy@... said

at 10:30 am on Nov 12, 2009

randy AT ideas2revenue.com. Just to make sure I am up front, I am someone more on the business side that can help with pitches, etc. Strong on technical side, but core strength is clearly on business side. twitter: @ideas2revenue.

Mike said

at 6:56 am on Oct 19, 2009

pezboy007 AT yahoo.com

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